
  • How to Tell If You’re Being Tracked by Apple’s AirTags

    How to Tell If You’re Being Tracked by Apple’s AirTags

    AirTags aren’t a thing yet — at least, not when we wrote this — but the oft-rumoured tracking devices, about the size of a coin, should debut soon. And when they do, Apple is already building security features into iOS 14.5 to prevent people from secretly tracking you by attaching a tiny tracker to your…

  • How to Get Apple’s AirPods Max a Month Earlier

    How to Get Apple’s AirPods Max a Month Earlier

    The Apple passion is strong. There was once a time when I, too, would clamor for many of the items the company makes — even going so far as to camp out for hours in line for a brand-new iPhone. Say what you will about Apple’s just-announced luxury AirPods Max, but there’s one indisputable fact…