All the Cool Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With the Apple on the Back of Your iPhone
Did you know that the apple at the back of your phone has a function? Neither did a lot of other iPhone users. Here’s the deal.
Here Are All The Ways You Can Shuffle Movies and Shows on Netflix
Netflix has released its anticipated new shuffle feature. Here’s how you can randomise your next binge-watch.
How to Tell If You’re Being Scammed By Fleeceware Apps
Fleeceware is one of the worst scams you can deal with on your device, because it has one, singular goal: extracting as much money from you as possible. It generally accomplishes this not by dropping malware on your device or otherwise forcing you to do something; instead, fleeceware hides in plain sight, relying on a…
Why Are People Making Fraudulent Purchases on My Old Accounts?
Why do cats meow? Why do birds fly? Why do hackers break into your account? It’s their nature. Or it’s a hobby. Or they’re just jerks who really want to take advantage of vulnerabilities and security screwups for sport, profit, or a combination of both.