
  • The Small-Space, Big Screen Workspace

    The Small-Space, Big Screen Workspace

    Jason shared this bang-for-your-buck workspace with us Lifehacker Australia, complete with a sharp-looking IKEA desk and a good bit of gear in a compact but cosy working and gaming space. Here are some more photos of his setup.

  • The One Room Work And Play Space

    The One Room Work And Play Space

    lorby351‘s workspace is tucked into the side of the living room, but that doesn’t mean it’s not sharp, well organised, and perfect for settling in to get some real work — or play — done. Here are some more photos.

  • The Rick And Morty Workspace

    The Rick And Morty Workspace

    Redditor marsem’s white-and-wood workspace looks beautifully clean, organised, sports some great gear and is that Rick and Morty over there? Why yes, yes it is. Here are some more photos.

  • The Action (Figure) Packed Workspace

    The Action (Figure) Packed Workspace

    Reader Norma just decided to renovate her workspace, and did it all for just shy of $US800 ($1,108). She has tons of before and after pictures over at Flickr, but we’re going to focus on the after shots here, because they look great. Room to work, tons of storage for games, and lots of action…