system software

  • Why Is My Windows PC Always Running Out of Memory?

    Why Is My Windows PC Always Running Out of Memory?

    There’s an obvious appeal to off-the-shelf, “install this to fix everything!” software suites. Or, they sound great on paper, anyway: Dump an app (or a few apps) on your PC, and they’ll continually scan your system to make sure it’s free of viruses or malware. And depending on the suite, they’ll even work all kinds…

  • How to Shut Down Windows 10 With a Timer

    How to Shut Down Windows 10 With a Timer

    You don’t need a fancy app to shut down your computer at a certain time in Windows 10, but having one on hand doesn’t hurt. A quick line dropped into your Command Prompt is usually all you need to have your system automatically shut down after a set time period has elapsed, but you can…