
  • Set Up A Toy-Cleaning Station For Your Kids

    My favourite type of activity for little kids is something that keeps them busy and accomplishes another goal. Like when they help sort laundry or “prep” dinner with you. Kids like hands-on activities and they like to be helpful. And this mum scratches both of those itches with this simple toy-washing station:

  • This Is The Best Homemade Play Dough

    When my son was a toddler, we went through a very big “sensory activities” phase. Any new texture that he could squish or mould (and incorporate into his dinosaur battles) would keep him occupied for dozens of precious minutes. He loved regular Play-Doh, so I went in search of a homemade version that would be…

  • Make Frozen Teethers With Baby Food Pouches

    We are at a stage with our infant son where every unexplained expression of discontentment is met with the question: “Do you think he’s teething?” Right now, it’s likely that he is. He’s drooly and a little fussy, and whenever I let him feel the “cold” of a canned beverage straight out of the fridge,…