
  • This Is How Much Daily Exercise You Actually Need

    This Is How Much Daily Exercise You Actually Need

    Zero exercise is not enough. Going for a walk every day is probably a good thing. And if you’re training for a marathon, you’ll be on your feet for a couple hours of hard workouts every week. But what is the benchmark for a human being just trying to squeeze enough healthy exercise into their…

  • Will Gyms Offer Membership Holds During The Coronavirus Pandemic?

    Australia’s Chief Medical Officer, Brendan Murphy, said on the ABC’s Insiders program that we don’t need to avoid going to the gym – yet. “I think the gym is fine, but everybody needs to practice good hygiene”. Although he did recommend washing your hands, using hand sanitisers and taking other measures to practise good personal hygiene.…

  • Why Deadlifting With Hex Plates Feels Like Hell On Earth

    If you went home for the holidays and visited a local gym to break a sweat, you probably know by now that not all gyms are created equal. Some are shitty by nature, filled with old, rusty weights and uneven flooring. But even at a perfectly new and well-equipped gym, things can sometimes just feel…