dark mode

  • How To Enable Chrome’s New Dark Mode On Android

    How To Enable Chrome’s New Dark Mode On Android

    Dark mode has stealthily rolled out to the Android version of Google Chrome as a part of the app’s most recent updates. Finally, we can all stare at our phones a little more comfortably, especially at night, without having to enable night-time reader modes or other settings. And I suppose it’s helpful for battery life,…

  • How To Activate ‘Dark Mode’ In Google Chrome

    How To Activate ‘Dark Mode’ In Google Chrome

    Everybody loves a good Dark Mode. Adding a high-contrast “reverse type” version of websites and apps always seem to be a big hit among power users, presumably because their dark palettes are easier on the eyes when staring at a bright screen in low light. If you are one of the dark-mode faithful — or…

  • Add A Dark Mode To Google Docs With Darkdocs

    Add A Dark Mode To Google Docs With Darkdocs

    I’m a tremendous fan of night or “dark” modes for websites and apps. A darker background uses less battery power and is easier on your eyes than a bright white one. It’s a win-win. I’ve written before about a few Chrome extensions that will let you turn on a dark mode for everything you do.…