Samsung unveiled its latest Galaxy S Ultra handset last month, and it’s shaping up to be one of its most powerful handsets yet. Announced during the recent Unpacked event, the new Galaxy S24 Ultra is set to release in early February and comes packed with a heap of hardware updates, such as Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processors and displays with improved refresh rates. The phone will also feature new AI software, which comes in the form of image editing tools and the ability to translate conversations in real time, to name a few.
The S24 Ultra comes with a few unique upgrades, such as its Quad Tele system receiving an improved 100x digital zoom and a larger vapour cooling chamber. Samsung will also be using a titanium chassis for the S24 Ultra handsets, similar to Apple’s high-end iPhone 15 models, the Pro and Pro Max.
Here’s every preorder mobile plan for the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra from Optus, Vodafone and Telstra.
Table of contents
- Optus Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra preorder plans
- Vodafone Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra preorder plans
- Telstra Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra preorder plans
- Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra specs
- What is the release date for the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra in Australia?
- What is the price of the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra in Australia?
- More Samsung Galaxy S24 plans
Optus Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra preorder plans
36-month 256GB plans
36-month 512GB plans
36-month 1TB plans
Vodafone Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra preorder plans
36-month 256GB plans
36-month 512GB plans
36-month 1TB plans
Telstra Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra preorder plans
36-month 256GB plans
36-month 512GB plans
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra specs
- Size: 162.3 x 79 x 8.6mm
- Weight: 232 grams
- Display: Dynamic AMOLED 2X 6.8-inch QHD+ display with a 1-120hz refresh rate, 3120 x 1440, Corning Gorilla Armour
- Processor: Snapdragon 8 Gen 3
- RAM: 12GB
- Cameras: 200MP wide, 12MP ultrawide, 50MP periscope telephoto, 10Mp telephoto, 12MP selfie, up to 8K video recording at 30fps
- Battery: 5,000mAh with 45W fast charging, 10W wireless charging
- Storage: 256GB, 512GB, 1TB
- Resistance: IP68
- Colours: Titanium Grey, Titanium Black, Titanium Violet and Titanium Yellow
What is the release date for the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra in Australia?
Preorders for the Galaxy S24 range went live on Friday, January 18, with a release date of Wednesday, February 7.
What is the price of the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra in Australia?
- 256GB model: $2,199
- 512GB model: $2,399
- 1TB model: $2,799
More Samsung Galaxy S24 plans
You can find Lifehacker Australia’s full roundup of Samsung Galaxy S24 plans here:
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