
Is there anything more satisfying than an ultra-tidy, expertly-organised kitchen, pantry, wardrobe, laundry, office space, drawers or laundry room? We have all the tips you need to clear the clutter.

  • Reminder: Track Your Home Work Expenses For Tax Time

    Now that a lot of us are working from home to curb the spread of coronavirus, the bills our workplaces would usually cover are now being deferred to us. That means internet, phone charges, electricity and anything else. This is a reminder to write it all down because you should be able to get a…

  • How To Prevent Jerks From Ruining Your Zoom Meetings

    I think it’s great that everyone is now turning to virtual chat services to stay in touch with their friends and loved ones—everything from regular catch-ups, to awkward dinner hangouts, to Dungeons & Dragons games. What’s not so fun is when someone jumps into a Zoom call, public or otherwise, and starts screen-sharing porn to…

  • 11 Google Chrome Extensions You Need To Download

    Google Chrome is filled with handy tricks and features — but first you need to customise the experience with browser extensions. The trick is to find ones that are actually useful. With more than 180,0000 options cluttering the Chrome Web Store, this can be a daunting task. Fortunately, it’s easy to gauge which extension are…

  • Find Lost Websites With Wayback Machine’s Browser Extension

    Pulling up a website, only to come face-to-face with the dreaded “404,” can be annoying. But if you really need whatever content was previously on that site prior to its demise, you have options. The Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine is one of the best and most well-known ways to access saved caches of dead websites,…