
  • How to Fix the Alt+Tab Bug in Windows 10

    How to Fix the Alt+Tab Bug in Windows 10

    Alt+Tab is one of Windows 10’s best shortcuts. It allows you to not only switch between apps, but to see a preview of all your open windows so you can choose exactly which one you want to switch to. It’s so good, there’s even a third-party plug-in for macOS to replicate it. Unfortunately, it’s also…

  • Rename Chrome Windows So You Stop Losing Them

    Rename Chrome Windows So You Stop Losing Them

    Tab overload is real, as my crowded Edge and Chrome browser bars can attest. But what about… window overload? If you’re the kind of person who tries to organise their browser by dedicating different windows to each tab or group of tabs, Google is now allowing you to rename those windows so you can jump…