
  • Sweeten Salad Dressings With Simple Syrup

    Sweeten Salad Dressings With Simple Syrup

    Every salad dressing needs some sugar. It adds sweetness, yes, but it also curbs bitterness and tames acidity, marrying your various ingredients to create one cohesive flavour profile. Maple, honey, and agave are all good additions, but they bring their own flavours, in addition to pure sweetness.

  • How To Be An Insufferable Vegetarian

    Last year on Evil Week, we counted down the top ten ways to annoy a vegan. Now it’s time to piss off the carnivores. If you abstain from meat, here are ten ways to infuriate your bacon-loving buddies and defy everything they stand for.

  • Taste Test: Red Rooster’s Zesty Pumpkin Couscous Sumo Salad

    Red Rooster has teamed up with SumoSalad to bring a range of gourmet sides to its fast food restaurants. The new salads have been specifically designed to complement roast chicken and are (reasonably) healthy to boot. We recently gave the Zesty Pumpkin Couscous version a try to see if it measures up to Sumo’s official…