
  • A Firearm Lingo Glossary For Non-Gun Nuts

    A Firearm Lingo Glossary For Non-Gun Nuts

    There are a lot of gun terms thrown around in the media these days, like “clip,” “casings,” and “semi-automatic.” But if you’re not familiar with firearms, many of these terms might go over your head. This glossary of common gun lingo will help clear things up so you can be an informed part of the…

  • How To Tame A Wild Horse

    How To Tame A Wild Horse

    Ever wondered how horses go from being wild, free-spirited animals to people’s most faithful travel companion? Grab your lasso, put on your cowboy hat, and get ready to become a horse whisperer. I mean, you’ll probably never need to tame your own horse, but if you did, this is how the masters do it.

  • Do You Really Need To Decant Your Wine?

    Do You Really Need To Decant Your Wine?

    If you’re just getting into wine, you probably hear about processes you’re not familiar with, like decanting and aeration. But do you need to bother with that stuff? Fear not, future wine snob this is all you need to know.