Apple released a slew of software updates this morning which it announced last week, including iOS 12, watchOS 5 and tvOS 12.
[referenced url=”” thumb=”” title=”How To Put The iPhone XS And XR’s Wallpapers On Any Phone You Want” excerpt=”The iPhone XS and XR come with a number of fun new Live Photo wallpapers as well some wallpapers that correspond to the colours of the new iPhone XR. white, black, coral, red, blue and yellow.”]
If you plan on getting the updates today, it’s a good idea to backup your iPhone beforehand. You’re going to want to make sure to do that before you download the update, just in case things get dicey and you end up having to unexpectedly do a hard reset on your device. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially when you’re dealing with a new version of an OS.
Also, keep in mind that downloads might take longer than normal today, simply because everyone on the planet is trying to download and install the update at the same time. We may be out of the immediate danger zone now, but if you need your phone for a conference call mid-day, you may want to wait until after work to start the process, just to be safe.
A good rule of thumb is to pick a time where your device can be MIA for at least an hour. If that’s going to cut things close, then wait until later.
iOS 12
You’ll find iOS 12 on your iPhone or iPad by going into the Settings menu, followed by General and then Software Update.
Updating your device requires you to be connected to Wi-Fi and have at least 50 per cent of your battery charged (or have your device plugged in).
watchOS 5
If you have an original Apple Watch then you’re going to be left out of today’s OS update. For everyone else, the update can be found by going to the Watch app on your iPhone and selecting General followed by Software Update.
tvOS 12
You’ll find tvOS 12 by clicking into the Settings app on your Apple TV and then selecting Update Software.
And keep in mind that the first release of a new OS also tends to be a bit buggy. You also might want to consider waiting a day or two to see how everyone else is faring with the updates before downloading them onto your own device.