
  • What Are Your Unwritten Rules of Driving Etiquette?

    What Are Your Unwritten Rules of Driving Etiquette?

    We could all be a little bit better drivers. Sure, every driver (hopefully) knows the written rules of the road. Traffic laws are there to ensure you use your turn signal, stop at stop signs, and — at least in some places — preserve the sanctity of the left lane as the passing lane. What…

  • The 7 Deadly Sins of Commuting

    The 7 Deadly Sins of Commuting

    Commuting is literally the worst. A recent study by economist Daniel Kahneman revealed that driving to work is the activity we rate as the least enjoyable. It’s worse than housework, answering emails, and actually working. Long commutes destroy marriages, wreck minds, and shorten lives. Commuting can even make you fat.

  • How to Repair Your Crumbling Footpath Curb

    How to Repair Your Crumbling Footpath Curb

    One of the first things any new homeowner discovers is that a house is basically entropy in building form. From the moment a house is born, it’s dying — eaten by termites, digested by rot, eventually subject to any number of cataclysmic natural disasters. You thought you were borrowing a worrisome amount of money in…