
  • How to Know When Your iPhone Could Be Recording

    How to Know When Your iPhone Could Be Recording

    You’ve probably had the (legitimate) fear that your smartphone is listening or watching you. Your iPhone certainly isn’t without privacy risks, and you should absolutely audit your settings and all of your app permissions, but one helpful feature that Apple has built in is a visual warning when your device is queued up to record…

  • Do Therapy Apps Really Protect Your Privacy?

    Do Therapy Apps Really Protect Your Privacy?

    It’s no surprise that after a year of unprecedented (remember that word?) isolation, there was a significant surge in users seeking out remote therapy and mental health apps. In terms of increasing mental health awareness and decreasing mental health stigma, more people seeking out help is a positive thing. However, as with anything you download…

  • Avoid Saying These Things at Work or You’ll Sound Old AF

    Avoid Saying These Things at Work or You’ll Sound Old AF

    We all know those blatant signs that someone is older than the rest. Saying “back in my day,” using exact change, or talking about joint stiffness, to start. But are you aware of some of the more subtle signals of old-fartness at the office? You may still feel 25 inside, but if you do one…

  • Use Slack ‘Clips’ to Avoid Brief, Pointless Meetings

    Use Slack ‘Clips’ to Avoid Brief, Pointless Meetings

    If remote work has taught us anything, it’s that many of our meetings are unnecessary and overly complicated, especially if teams are spread across time zones. Unless collaboration is essential to the agenda, we can often get everything we need in just a few minutes on our own time. Slack has been working on a…