
  • Why You Should Use a Salt-Free Dry Rub

    Why You Should Use a Salt-Free Dry Rub

    I have never bought — never imagined I would buy — a seasoning blend that bragged about being “salt-free.” (“Couldn’t be me,” as the kids say.) I love salt — and have an ever-growing collection of sodium chloride to prove it. So I was slightly shocked and mildly scandalized when not one, but two BBQ…

  • Reset Your Ubiquiti Passwords Right Now

    Reset Your Ubiquiti Passwords Right Now

    Nothing says fun like a company describing its own data breach as “catastrophic.” That’s a “c” word you definitely don’t want to hear if you have an account with said company or use its products, and that’s exactly what happened recently to Ubiquiti.

  • Tame Intense Onion Flavours With This Kitchen Staple

    Tame Intense Onion Flavours With This Kitchen Staple

    Raw onions bring much-needed pungency to sandwiches and salads, but sometimes they’re a little too good at their job, and their aggressive flavour overwhelms the rest of the meal. Have you ever found yourself taking a bite of an expertly-made meal wishing, “if only the onion flavour was a touch less intense”? Including this powerful…

  • You Don’t Need a Grill to Make Grilled Eggplant

    You Don’t Need a Grill to Make Grilled Eggplant

    It’s no secret that I love eggplant and, over the years, I’ve gotten every preparation under the sun down cold — with one glaring exception. With no space at home for a grill and a strong aversion to turning on my oven, grilled eggplant has remained my culinary white whale. Until now.