pokemon go

  • How to (Finally) Speed Up Pokémon GO’s Refresh Rate on Your Phone

    How to (Finally) Speed Up Pokémon GO’s Refresh Rate on Your Phone

    Pokémon GO is still going strong, and is a great example of a uniquely mobile gaming experience. While the game is more about hunting for Pokémon throughout the real world, and less about graphics, the game’s frame rate has always lagged behind what our smartphones are capable of. Thankfully, that’s no longer the case, as…

  • Explore A New City Using Pokemon GO

    Explore A New City Using Pokemon GO

    When I’m in another city and I want to see what neighbourhoods to wander, I crack open Foursquare. Some people use Yelp, some look for the brown-tinted areas on Google Maps. My friend Henry uses Pokemon GO.

  • The Fastest Way To Level Up In Pokemon GO

    The Fastest Way To Level Up In Pokemon GO

    With the recent announcement of Pokemon Let’s Go for the Nintendo Switch and its ability to interact with Pokemon GO, players are returning to the mobile game en masse. If you’re trying to get back into the game, here’s a trick for levelling up fast and catching up to those who never quit.

  • Pokemon Go Is Finally Worth Playing Again

    For one brief moment in time, Pokemon Go was a true cultural phenomenon. Unfortunately, it wasn’t actually very good, with a host of technical glitches, battery issues and ham-fisted “improvements” significantly dampening people’s enjoyment. Despite this, approximately 65 million active users have never stopped playing. Last week, these players were rewarded for their loyalty with…