
  • Why You Shouldn’t Recycle Glass That Isn’t A Bottle Or Jar

    Why You Shouldn’t Recycle Glass That Isn’t A Bottle Or Jar

    Have an old plate or used lightbulb you’re trying to get rid of? Sadly, the short answer is that glass products that aren’t a jar or bottle aren’t all that easy to recycle. In fact, more often than not, it’s better to throw them in the trash than in your recycling bin, where it will…

  • Yes, You Can Recycle Styrofoam

    Yes, You Can Recycle Styrofoam

    As bans on single-use plastic bags and straws gain momentum across the globe, attention is now focused on another mighty environmental opponent: Styrofoam. Styrofoam poses serious health concerns for aquatic life and the general health of the planet, which is no surprise, given that it’s made of thousands of pieces of non-biodegradable plastic.

  • How To Stop Using So Much Disposable Plastic

    How To Stop Using So Much Disposable Plastic

    We are drowning the world in plastic. It washes onto our beaches, it sits entombed for centuries in landfills, it floats around the ocean in a cloud of microscopic particles twice the size of Texas. Most of it — 88% in Australia — never gets recycled. Recycling it still takes 10% of the energy of…