How To Buy Carbon Offsets That Actually Help The Environment
Carbon offsets can seem too good to be true. In theory, the offsets work like a big sponge sopping up all the emissions you put into the environment when travelling by plane or riding in a car. It all comes at a relatively low cost, as well: you can offset emissions for a 12-hour flight…
How Much Do Planes Actually Get Cleaned In Between Flights?
It’s usually best, in any situation where you end up with your finger touching your eye or grazing your lips, to not think of where it’s been. That goes double when taking any form of public transit, where your hands touch the places all the other hands of people who are just as gross as…
When Should You Reject A Job Offer?
Applying for jobs is a lot like dating: It’s a draining, often-embarrassing process that requires a lot of effort for minimal return that stretches your small talk muscles to the max. Read the situation wrong and you will find yourself locked in a horrendously unpleasant situation that you can’t escape without upending your life, so…
How To Keep Your Dog From Destroying The Environment
Dogs are humans’ best friends, immeasurable bringers of joy to all around them and the only good content left on the internet. They’re also a huge strain on the environment. Yes, I am here to be the total bummer to tell you that those good boys and girls and loveable fur faces have a gigantic…