
  • There Is No ‘Best’ Diet

    There Is No ‘Best’ Diet

    U.S. News has once again ranked all the diets, with the groundbreaking result that…they are all different ways to eat food. Amazing. Their website does provide a nice comparison of the various diets’ pros and cons, but the whole concept of declaring one diet better than another is broken to begin with.

  • What To Do If Your Pet Is Overweight

    A roly-poly pup or kitty can be an adorable little chonker, but if your pet is big enough that the vet says it’s time to lose weight, it can be hard to figure out exactly how to put your furry friend on a diet. Here are some tips to follow through on your plan, without…

  • Six Foods You Should Never Feed to Cats

    Six Foods You Should Never Feed to Cats

    Cats may not chow down on garbage like dogs do, but they get into their share of people food, houseplants and other weird things. Here’s why certain ordinary-seeming items are dangerous to cats, and what you can do about them.