
  • Dry Shampoo Isn’t Just for Hiding Your Greasy Hair

    Dry Shampoo Isn’t Just for Hiding Your Greasy Hair

    If you’ve been sleeping on dry shampoo, you’re seriously missing out. The fact that a few sprays of the good stuff means you can go an extra day or two (or five) between washes is a godsend.  However, no two dry shampoos are alike, especially now that formulas have evolved to be relatively undetectable. While…

  • How to Dye Your Own Hair and Maintain Your Colour

    How to Dye Your Own Hair and Maintain Your Colour

    Last week, Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani held a press conference and unintentionally redefined the notion of a public meltdown. Facing the cameras, Giuliani began to sweat, causing what many journalists and fascinated onlookers thought to be a torrential downpour of the former New York City mayor’s hair dye.

  • Chain Your Kid’s Hairbrush To The Bathroom Wall

    If you’re curious about the morning routine of this parenting editor, I will tell you that a large portion of it involves scampering around the house, asking: “Has anyone seen a hairbrush?” (I say “a” hairbrush because we have about six of them lying around somewhere.)