
  • How To Jump-Start Your Writing Project In Two Weeks

    If you’ve been thinking about writing a novel, drafting a play, starting a journal or simply keeping a record of what you experienced during this strange pandemic year, you might want to start by making a commitment to get a few words down on paper every day.

  • How To Not Get Lazy In Quarantine

    How To Not Get Lazy In Quarantine

    If you’ve found your daily routine upended by physical distancing, you may be tempted to treat every moment as a staycation. It would be so easy to sleep 14 hours, eat junk food, and let your beard grow out.

  • It’s Okay To Sleep Late On Weekends

    In a perfect world, we’d all get to bed on time, enjoy our full seven to nine hours of sleep, and wake up refreshed at the same time every morning. But while that may be the goal, I’m guessing most of us enjoy the extra shut-eye that a day off allows. So how bad is…