Nicole Dieker
Avoid Financial Panic With These Tips for Staying on Top of Bill Payments
In theory, we all want to pay our bills on time but despite our best intention, sometimes it’s something that’s easier said than done. For some of us, the last few years have been a fluctuating period of financial uncertainty. The stress of trying to decide which bill payment needs to be prioritised has been…
How to Use a Vacuum to Clean All the Things
The great thing about a vacuum is that it’s so versatile. Want to get the daily detritus of life out of your carpets? Your vacuum is perfect for that, obviously. It’s also great for getting crumbs out of the crevices of your couch, sucking dust off the slats of your blinds and quickly cleaning coffee…
Don’t Flush Disposable Masks Down The Toilet
Disposable face masks are an efficient way of protecting yourself and others during the coronavirus pandemic—as long as you dispose of them correctly. Don’t toss a used mask into the road or onto the footpath. (I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen a lot of little blue masks littering in public spaces here in…
Open Zip Ties With A Broken Bobby Pin
If you’ve got something that’s zip-tied together that shouldn’t be zip-tied together—whatever it is, for whatever reason—a broken bobby pin can be an excellent release tool.