google reader

  • Five Best RSS Newsreaders

    Google’s changes to Google Reader this week upset a lot of people, and it got us wondering how many of you still use Google Reader as your preferred RSS newsreader when there are so many other options. This week, we’re going to highlight some of those other news readers, in case you’re looking for alternatives.

  • Readefine Desktop 2.0 Beautifies Google Reader

    Windows/Mac/Linux: Google Reader is great for funnelling news into a digestible, easy-to-read format, but it’s not very attractive. Readefine Desktop is a desktop reader that connects to Google Reader or any RSS feed you provide and displays your articles in a beautiful magazine-style layout.

  • Ask LH: How Can I Remove Multiple Stars In Google Reader?

    Dear Lifehacker, Got a quick question you guys might be able to help with. I’ve got a bit of a build-up of starred items on my Google Reader account. I use Byline on the iPhone & iPad and check the Google Reader site regularly and hence the starred items seem to build up quickly. I’ve…