
  • It’s OK to Delete People on Social Media

    It’s OK to Delete People on Social Media

    I’m not sure what it is: something in the air, the never-ending malaise of quarantine life, or the gentle passing of time, but I’ve been in a defriending mood lately. I’m not bitter, I just wonder why I’m so digitally connected to people who I haven’t spoken with since that fragile relationship was formed —…

  • How To ‘Quaran-team’ More Safely

    In recent weeks, many of us have begun to explore quaran-teaming, where two households in isolation join forces, whether for social purposes or to help address specific needs. The adult moving back in with her elderly parents who have trouble managing alone, the families who need to swap child care: This trend, also referred to…

  • How To Say No To Socialising

    U.S. States are opening back up again in spite of numerous warnings by experts that it still isn’t safe to do so. Meanwhile, you might be getting cabin fever—understandably so—which means that in the coming weeks and months, it’s likely you’re going to need to weigh your personal safety against the wishes of others who…