Leigh Anderson

  • Evil Week: Give These Gifts to the Kids of Parents You Hate

    Evil Week: Give These Gifts to the Kids of Parents You Hate

    Welcome to Evil Week, our annual dive into all the slightly sketchy hacks we’d usually refrain from recommending. Want to weasel your way into free drinks, play elaborate mind games, or, er, launder some money? We’ve got all the info you need to be successfully unsavory. When you have kids, people give you gifts. It’s…

  • Stop Putting Apostrophes In The Wrong Place

    Stop Putting Apostrophes In The Wrong Place

    Photo: Alan Levine For some of us, grade-school grammar lessons haven’t stuck. I managed fairly well with my trusty Elements of Style until pretty recently, but the ongoing assault on grammar that is the Internet occasionally shakes my confidence. (Every time I want to type rein, rain, or reign, for example, I need to close…

  • How To Deal With Your Parents’ Stuff When They Die

    How To Deal With Your Parents’ Stuff When They Die

    Photo Illustration by Elena Scotti/Lifehacker/GMG Cleaning out a loved one’s home after their death hits the trifecta of misery: It’s a series of chores that can be emotionally, physically, and financially overwhelming. And what makes the whole task even worse is that it’s difficult to know where to start – should you throw out the…

  • How To Make Extra Cash Over The Holidays 

    How To Make Extra Cash Over The Holidays 

    The stretch from December to January is so festive, so cheerful – and so expensive. There are the gifts for your family and friends, new outfits for dinners and parties, booze and food for your own shindigs, airfare or petrol, holiday cards… the list goes on. In my house, at least, the late-January credit bills…