
  • Pizza Your Oatmeal Immediately

    Pizza Your Oatmeal Immediately

    For veteran readers, you know at this point here at Lifehacker, we’re big fans of savoury oatmeal. Bring on the eggs, meatballs, and MSG, please. And why stop there? Oats are your canvas, and today, we’re painting with pizza.

  • Butter Your Corn With Avocado Skins

    Butter Your Corn With Avocado Skins

    This past weekend was replete with backyard barbecues and grilling in the park. While others focused on flambé-ing flag cakes and connecting with family, I remained vigilant for food hacks. Before I knew it, I was eating some great trash. Whether you’re vegan, dairy-sensitive, or just happen to notice someone abandoned an avocado skin with…

  • Get to Know Kohlrabi With 3 Easy Recipes

    Get to Know Kohlrabi With 3 Easy Recipes

    There is a section of the produce department where curious produce lives, full of gnarly root vegetables and endless greens. I am on a mission to try them all, find their sweet spots, and when I can, grow them at home. This month, you’re likely seeing early summer kohlrabi, and these satellite-looking orbs are more…