Asha Barbaschow

Asha Barbaschow is the editor of Gizmodo Australia. Asha specialises in data privacy and security, technology in government and legislation, emerging tech such as blockchain, industry issues from Apple and Google through to Amazon and Facebook, gadgets and can also answer all your burning tech (and horror movie) questions. Asha has spent around a decade writing about all things technology, starting her journalism career at a local newspaper. Prior to landing at Gizmodo, Asha was a journalist at ZDNet for over six years, covering enterprise technology. She’s known for stumping former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull back in the day with a doozy around the country’s encryption laws and asking Scott Morrison ad nauseam to explain ‘technology’. Read Asha’s articles here and follow her on Twitter.

  • A Good Air Fryer Really Does Make All the Difference

    A Good Air Fryer Really Does Make All the Difference

    About three years ago, I inherited a Kmart brand air fryer from a friend who upgraded to a more family-friendly one. It was small, but sufficient for cooking hashbrowns, tofu, and spring rolls. Of course, I’d heard an air fryer could do far more, but I had to turn the knob with a set of…