
  • If You’re Worried About Coronavirus, Get Your Flu Shot

    Coronavirus may make for grabby headlines, but so far it’s just not that big a risk to most of us. There are only a handful of cases worldwide, and if you haven’t been to Wuhan, China, your cough is probably just a garden variety cold. Still, if you’re worried, do this with your nervous energy:…

  • How To Harness The Placebo Effect When You Have A Cold

    A cold being a viral infection, there’s not much you can do to make it go away. That means most of the remedies people swear by—think vitamin C, essential oils, elderberry syrup—are only making you feel better, not literally fighting your cold. But since feeling better is kind of the point, here’s how you can…

  • Two Flu Shots Aren’t Better Than One

    Two Flu Shots Aren’t Better Than One

    Yep, this is an astronaut (Scott Kelly) giving himself a flu shot. Photo by NASA via Getty Images. The protection you get from a flu shot wanes over time, leading to rumours that we should all be asking for a second flu shot in the spring. Not so fast! The current recommendation – to get…