
  • How To Rip DVDs With Handbrake

    We’ve certainly discussed Handbrake in the past, but we’ve neglected to actually show you how to use it to rip a DVD. If you haven’t gotten into Handbrake because you’ve found it a little confusing or intimidating, here’s how to get started.

  • When Did You Last Rent A Movie?

    Last year, my nearest video rental outlet closed and was replaced by a chemist. I didn’t really care, because I’d never been a member. As accurately as I can calculate, the last time I rented a video (and it actually was a video, not a DVD) was sometime around the Sydney Olympics in 2000. Just…

  • Underbelly legally available online

    As you probably already know, Channel Nine’s drama Underbelly was banned from screening in Victoria because many of the central characters and incidents are the subject of ongoing trials in that state. The same prohibition also applied to selling the DVD version in Victoria, and the hassles involved in filtering those sales appears to have…