How to Complain About Your Noisy Neighbours Without Being a Jerk
Unless you live in a pretty remote location, chances are you’ve heard at least some sort of noise, courtesy of your neighbours. For those of us living in apartments, townhouses or other housing where everyone is in close proximity, nosiy neighbours may be something you encounter on a daily basis. But how do you deal…
When To Dispute A Credit Card Charge Vs. Filing A Fraud Complaint
As soon as you spot a transaction that doesn’t seem to belong on your credit or debit card, your pulse starts to quicken, right? Your bank account balance is supposed to be predictable, your credit tab fluctuating only because you decided to swipe your card.
How To Complain About Your Noisy Neighbours
37When you live in an apartment building with other people, you’re bound to encounter at least one tenant who is a bit noisier than the rest. Whether it’s excessively loud music, lovemaking or whatever, here’s how to approach the situation without being an equally obnoxious neighbour.
Ready The Pitchforks: ACCC Wants Your ‘Thoughts’ On The NBN
The ACCC wants your feedback about the National Broadband Network in its current form. A national Communications Sector Market Study will help to determine how successfully Australia is transitioning to the NBN. In other words, it’s an important opportunity for us to vent about backwards technology and sub par internet speeds…