
  • Five Ways To Brew Perfect-Tasting Coffee [Infographic]

    Five Ways To Brew Perfect-Tasting Coffee [Infographic]

    Brewing your own coffee isn’t just cost effective; it’s also good for the soul. Unless you stuff it up, of course. This infographic from the experts at CoffeeTastingClub explains the secrets behind five popular DIY brewing methods — from stove top to AeroPress.

  • In Defence Of Caffeine Pills

    During my university years, I used to measure out small amounts of caffeine powder on a milligram scale, put it in a gel cap, pop, and repeat throughout the day. A two-inch tall mountain of the dusty substance sat Scarface-like on a piece of paper atop my then-boyfriend’s desk next to the scale and alongside…

  • Immune To Caffeine? Thank Your ‘Very Active’ CYP1A2 Gene

    How can some people drink five cups of coffee a day without ascending to another plane while others just need a whiff of espresso to send their bodies into a buzz? Genetics play a huge role, according to a new report by Dr. JW Langer, which breaks caffeine imbibers into three sensitivity groups.

  • What Would Happen If You Lived On Coffee For A Day?

    What Would Happen If You Lived On Coffee For A Day?

    Coffee. Good? Bad? The verdict is constantly flip-flopping. Hey, as long as you consume it in moderation and you know, don’t subsist entirely on the caffeine-infused beverage, you should be OK. But what if all you did was drink coffee for a day? No food. No water. Just coffee.