
  • How Do I Get Into My Phone if I Forgot My PIN or Password?

    How Do I Get Into My Phone if I Forgot My PIN or Password?

    People forget things. It happens. While I can’t say I’ve ever forgotten the password or PIN for my phone, I totally get how it’s possible. Maybe you set the phone up and placed it down to process any and all updates it has to go through, or charge up to full capacity, and came back…

  • Use 2FA to Stop This New WhatsApp Account Attack

    Use 2FA to Stop This New WhatsApp Account Attack

    A simple but noteworthy attack is making the rounds on popular chat service WhatsApp. It’s incredibly easy for someone to pull off — all they need is access to a single account that has you listed as a contact. And if you’re susceptible to a bit of social networking, said attacker can take over your…

  • Embrace Evil by Enabling Dark Mode in Every App

    Embrace Evil by Enabling Dark Mode in Every App

    If you love staring at the bright, white backgrounds in your various devices’ operating systems, this article is not for you. I can’t stand it, personally. I stare at enough screens during the day that switching over to dark mode is an almost indescribable relief on my eyes. Plus, it’s super goth. Here’s how to…