Google Is Making A Dynamic Change To Gmail

Google is rolling out a major update to Gmail. From July 2, you’ll be able to send and receive dynamic emails. Here’s what that means for your inbox.

Instead of every link or action leading to a new window opening, dynamic content will open within messages. But there is a catch – messages will need to be formatted in a specific way.

How dynamic Gmail works

When you receive a dynamic mail message with Gmail, links inside the message will open within the message. For example, if someone sends you a link to a Google Doc, rather than launching a new tab or window in your browser, the document will open within the email where you can read or edit it.

If you receive a link to a web page, you’ll be able to view that page from within the message.

The whole thing relies on AMP (accelerated mobile pages). And while it will require specially formatted emails in order to work, some social media companies are already embracing it. And, as you’d expect, it’s supported right across the entire Google product suite.

From a productivity perspective, this makes a lot of sense. Many of us suffer from having too many browser windows open. Dynamic email should streamline workflows by keeping everything in one place.

For businesses, it means you can keep an entire workflow in an email message without needing users to switch between windows.

Dynamic email is coming to all Gmail users on 2 July 2019. If you’re a Google admin and don’t want your users to have this feature for some reason you’ll be able to disable it – but it will be enabled by default.

I’d be inclined to switch it off until I’d updated my use training to warn people about the change as it could make life just a little easier for crooks launching phishing attacks.

[referenced url=”” thumb=”×231.jpg” title=”Why You Should Never Have More Than Nine Browser Tabs Open” excerpt=”I often hear people complain that their browser is slow and unstable. It’s easy to blame browser developers for using sloppy coding practices and not managing memory correctly, but in my experience there’s a more common element: people who insist on having dozens of browser tabs open at once. That’s an unproductive and pointless practice and everyone should stop it immediately.”]

[Via Google Blog]


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