A bagel with plain cream cheese has no shortcomings, but I have been known to enjoy a good flavoured spread from time to time. Spring onions are great, and veggies are great, but fermented veggies? That’ll perk your morning right up.
[referenced url=”https://www.lifehacker.com.au/2017/12/fromage-fort-is-an-amazing-spread-made-from-cheese-plate-scraps/” thumb=”https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/t_ku-large/werljwbsok2rbkatd42q.jpg” title=”Fromage Fort Is An Amazing Spread Made From Cheese Plate Scraps” excerpt=”There is no such thing as ‘leftover cheese’ but, if you are a cheese collector such as myself, you probably find yourself with little nubs and ends of various dairy treasures. You could keep making increasingly tiny cheese plates, or you could make fromage fort.”]
Fermenting makes food more flavorful, and combining funky, sweet and savoury vegetables with creamy cheese makes for a bagel spread that hits all of my favourite flavour receptors. Plus, they just look so pretty.
Almost any fermented veggie would make a great flavoured cream cheese, but I’m particularly partial to these combinations:
- Pickled beetroot and horseradish: Combine 225g of softened cream cheese with 85g of pickled beetroot and a tablespoon of horseradish for a sweet and spicy spread that will wake you right up.
- Kimchi: 85g of your favourite kimchi with 225g of cream cheese makes for a pleasingly pink and slightly pungent breakfast (or snack).
- ‘Kraut and Swiss: Mix 30g of Jarlsberg and 85g sauerkraut with softened cream cheese. Spread it on a pumpernickel bagel and top with some corned beef if you wist to start your day on a truly righteous note.
Add all your ingredients to your food processor, and pulse until everything is incorporated. How incorporated you want everyone to be is up to you, but leaving discernible bits of veggie behind gives you a nice contrast in textures.