working from home

  • How To Avoid Becoming A Hermit When You Work From Home

    How To Avoid Becoming A Hermit When You Work From Home

    I like people, but I’ve always been kind of shy and I cherish my alone time. When I started working from home, I looked forward to that time: No more meetings, small talk or awkward happy hours. It was fine for a while, but then I got lonely. Worse, I developed mild social anxiety. Even…

  • Join A Coworking Space To Network And Find Mentors

    Join A Coworking Space To Network And Find Mentors

    If you have the ability to work from anywhere, you probably work from home. That means you probably don’t leave the house very often, and you might miss out on some opportunities to grow professionally. Joining a coworking space can remedy that.

  • How To Keep The World From Distracting You When You Work From Home

    How To Keep The World From Distracting You When You Work From Home

    A few months ago, I was interviewing someone for a story when I heard a knock at my door. It was my apartment’s maintenance crew, a day late to install something. Before I could pause the interview, the knocking turned into loud banging, and it didn’t take long before my interview subject asked “are you…