How to Calibrate Your Oven’s Temperature
Have you ever followed a recipe to the letter, but when it came time to remove the dish from the oven, you found that it was significantly over- or undercooked? There could be several reasons for this — one being that your oven may need to be calibrated. Here’s how to do that on various…
Now’s the Time to Prep Your Oven for the Holidays
Fortune may favour the bold, but the holidays favour the prepared. Prepping your oven for the holidays in the last week of October may seem like overkill, but repairmen can be hard to schedule (getting you out to your home can take weeks!), and it’s best to identify any oven issues well ahead of time…
Prepare For A Bloody Hot Christmas
40 degrees Celsius. That’s the weather forecast for much of Australia on December 25 – AKA Christmas Day. And the days that follow are expected to be equally sweltering. Here are some tips to ensure you make it through the scorching temperatures unscathed.
Why The Fahrenheit Temperature Scale Makes So Little Sense
Video: Like most ways of measuring things, the United States uses a different temperature scale than most of the rest of the world. However, the Fahrenheit scale often doesn’t make much sense compared to the Celsius scale. This video explains why.