
  • How To Beef Up Your Browser’s Spellchecker

    Chromium-based Windows web browsers are getting a brand-new spellchecker thanks to a recent collaboration between Google and Microsoft. Windows Spellcheck, rather than Hunspell, will now help you fix your various typos and blatant misspellings (especially with URLs and acronyms), but you might need to first enable the feature before you can take advantage of it.

  • The 10 Most Annoying Writing Mistakes [Infographic]

    There’s no such thing as a perfect writer. Even professionals make mistakes from time to time, as our readers never fail to point out. (Thanks for keeping us on our toes, guys!) But some writing errors are so boneheaded and easily avoidable that they infuriate pedants and casuals alike. Here are 10 common screw-ups that…