
  • Dump Your Nasty Junk Drawer In The Garbage

    You know that disgusting drawer full of random ketchup packets, receipts, rubber bands and other assorted crap dumped from your pockets or purse at the end of the day? Some people call it the Junk Drawer. Others call it the Everything Drawer, or the Odds and Ends Drawer or simply “That Drawer.” I call it…

  • How To Keep Your Resume Always Up To Date

    Looking for a job is difficult under the best of circumstances, and it gets considerably more so when you aren’t prepared. Optimistically, we stick with a gig for a while even if we don’t love it, neglecting to keep our resumes and other materials prepped if an opportunity comes up that we want to jump…

  • How To Make A Meal Plan For Your Next Holiday

    How To Make A Meal Plan For Your Next Holiday

    I’ve always been a fan of pre-travel planning, to the point that I build a packing grid before every trip. The packing grid includes outfit components for every day of travel (based on predicted weather and activity), as well as a list of essentials that I don’t want to leave behind: Advil, Band-Aids, my Fitbit…