
  • Don’t Cook Your Grilled Cheese In Mayonnaise

    I love mayonnaise. It makes mashed potatoes more creamy, it sears a great steak, and it’s an essential part of almost every sandwich. But one application that I cannot get behind is slathering it on the outside of a grilled cheese sandwich. It does not taste that good.

  • How To Cope With A Mayo Shortage

    This morning, I heard terrible news. Apparently there is something of a mayo shortage going on right now, with not a jar to be found on the shelves of many stores across the U.S. Luckily, there are many ways to make your own mayonnaise, and I have taken the liberty of rounding them up for…

  • Make Salad Dressing With An Almost-Empty Mayo Jar

    When it comes to making dressings at home, vinaigrettes are usually the most accessible option. All they require is a bit of not-super-precise measuring, common kitchen ingredients, and some shaking (preferably done in a jar). But by replacing or supplementing your salad oil with a bit of mayonnaise, you can have a creamy, dreamy salad…