manufactured goods

  • How to Choose (and Pack) the Perfect Gym Bag

    How to Choose (and Pack) the Perfect Gym Bag

    Packing for the gym is a bit like packing for a trip: You need to have all the supplies you’ll need for your destination, and you also need everything to be organised so you can find it at the right time. And just to keep things fun, you have to have a plan for dealing…

  • 10 Items You Need to Stop Putting in the Dryer

    10 Items You Need to Stop Putting in the Dryer

    Lately, my toddler has been putting all sorts of items in the dryer. He sees me putting clothes in it, and he wants to help, but he still hasn’t figured out that only certain items are meant for the dryer. The result is that I have to check very carefully before turning the dryer on,…

  • Inflatable Kayaks Are a Hack (With Caveats)

    Inflatable Kayaks Are a Hack (With Caveats)

    When I was shopping for my first kayak and debating options from $350 on up, I happened across a $140 inflatable kayak that seemed too good to be true. There has to be a catch, I thought. No way this is a real boat. Later, after I had bought my real kayak, I noticed the…

  • Always Bring These Things When You Crash at a Friend’s Place

    Always Bring These Things When You Crash at a Friend’s Place

    A presumptuous houseguest is a houseguest that is unlikely to be invited back. No one wants the type of guest who assumes they have free rein to use appliances and household wares without limits. Sure, everyone needs access to certain amenities in the home, but you can be a better guest by bringing a few…