
  • Smoke Your Turkey the ‘Wrong Way’ on a Charcoal Grill

    Smoke Your Turkey the ‘Wrong Way’ on a Charcoal Grill

    Smoked turkey is not uncommon. Mention it in conversation, and most people will respond positively. “Oh, I love smoked turkey,” they’ll say. “My dad/grandfather/brother-in-law/uncle smokes one every year.” I have yet to hear someone praise their mother’s, grandmother’s, sister-in-law’s, or aunt’s smoked turkey, and I suspect it is because the women are busy doing everything…

  • Can a Microwave Really Sanitize Your Dirty Sponges?

    Can a Microwave Really Sanitize Your Dirty Sponges?

    Let’s just start here: Kitchen sponges are disgusting. A 2017 study published in’s Scientific Reports found that used kitchen sponges harbored a whopping 362 different types of bacteria, in a staggering density of 45 billion microbes per square centimeter. According to the report, kitchen environments host more microbes than toilets, “mainly due to the…

  • Grill Pans Are Pointless

    Grill Pans Are Pointless

    I’ve heard autumn is coming, though I must say it does not feel like it. (The high here today is supposed to be 41C! In Portland, Oregon!) This shift in seasons means a shift in food content, and I’ve already seen a couple of articles and ads promoting “moving your grilling indoors” with a grill…