human resource management

  • Why You Shouldn’t Rely on Glassdoor’s Salary Estimates

    Why You Shouldn’t Rely on Glassdoor’s Salary Estimates

    The go-to resource for anyone curious about a new gig’s salary is Glassdoor, given the site teems with crowdsourced salaries for various positions at literally thousands of companies. If you take Glassdoor’s salaries at face value, then you’ll have a pretty decent indication of what this prospective job might pay. Right?

  • Your Career Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

    Your Career Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

    In the hyper-competitive ‘jobs’ culture, young workers often expect their careers to reach meteoric heights on a quick timeline. Younger generations don’t stay at their jobs for quite as long as their parents did, whether it’s due to economic factors or the view that most jobs are mere stepping stones toward more lucrative salaries and…