
  • What You Need Is a Dust-Reducing Houseplant

    What You Need Is a Dust-Reducing Houseplant

    While much has been written about plants being able to purify the air from harmful chemicals like formaldehyde, benzene, and volatile organic compounds (based on an oft-cited 1989 NASA study), that study has also been debunked as having no significant correlation to the air quality of your home (for one, it was conducted in two…

  • You Should Be Cleaning Your Indoor Plants

    You Should Be Cleaning Your Indoor Plants

    When your house is a disaster, the last thing you are thinking about is cleaning your plants. But houseplants get dirty and dusty just like anything else in your home, even if cleaning them requires some specialised knowhow. Many cleaning products (and even gentle soaps) can damage a plant’s leaves and roots, so it’s worth…

  • These Indoor Plants Love Direct Sunlight

    These Indoor Plants Love Direct Sunlight

    It’s worth paying a bit more attention to our indoor plants. Some may need to be switched around the room to avoid the direct light, as it can damage some leaves or dry out roots. On the other hand, some indoor plants love direct light and won’t suffer overexposure to the sun. Here are the…

  • How to Pick the Easiest Hanging Plants to Keep Alive Indoors

    How to Pick the Easiest Hanging Plants to Keep Alive Indoors

    Hanging plants can make your place feel like a beautiful oasis, but when those plants’ colours begin to fade and their leaves dry out, it’s hard to save them, especially if you have no idea what is going on. Some hanging plants outgrow their pots, while others are victim to the common overwatering, and even…