It’s worth paying a bit more attention to our indoor plants. Some may need to be switched around the room to avoid the direct light, as it can damage some leaves or dry out roots. On the other hand, some indoor plants love direct light and won’t suffer overexposure to the sun. Here are the plants you can leave in your brightest window all year round.
Types of indoor plants that love the sun
When sunbeams hit a plant, it builds up chloroplasts to make photosynthesis happen. Plants with more chloroplast are those sun-loving plants that will revel in the brightest spot of your house. According to Flora Grubb Gardens, a few popular indoor plants that do well in direct sunlight are:
- Adenium
- Alluaudia
- Anigozanthos (kangaroo paw)
- Ananas (pineapple)
- Succulents
- Cacti
- Jade
- Some palms
- Ficus plants
- Gardenias
- Clusia
- Cordyline
- Croton
Some other unique (and edible) plants that love the sun are hibiscus, which bloom pink flowers (and make a tangy tea), and the root vegetable yucca. The Spruce has a complete list of sunshine-loving plants and the amount of light that helps them thrive.
Of course, make sure to continue watering each plant as necessary; while the leaves will enjoy the midsummer heat, the roots and soil may need extra attention to maintain the plants’ growth.
Direct sunlight versus diffused light
Direct sunlight means that the sunbeams are shining straight onto the leaves (use this handy diagram from Flora Grubb Gardens to see the different gradients of light beams shining in a room). Basically, the thing to remember is that direct light is closest to the light source, and as you move further away from the light source (such as a window), it becomes diffused light even though the plant is still “in the sun.” Keep in mind the proximity to the window or door when it comes to managing the light levels for your plant.
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