
  • Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Bought a Robot Vacuum

    Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Bought a Robot Vacuum

    I love my Roomba, and I hate my Roomba. The endearing little beeps and boops, the hypnotic but inexplicable path it takes across my floor, the possibility of training woodland animals to ride it across the floor…there’s a lot to like. But, three years into its use, I have some bones to pick. Here are…

  • Use a Rubber Mat As a Ramp for Your Robot Vacuum

    Use a Rubber Mat As a Ramp for Your Robot Vacuum

    Robot vacuums are handy and practical: With the right maintenance and care, they save you precious time, they’re easy to store and charge, and they’re much more practical than big push vacuums for people with limited storage space. For as great as they are, though, there are some flaws with robot vacuums too. For instance, they…

  • You Need to Do Laundry Differently If You Have Hard Water

    You Need to Do Laundry Differently If You Have Hard Water

    During a recent bathroom renovation project, my boyfriend had to disconnect his water softener, and it wreaked more havoc on our daily lives than we expected. Showering and washing clothes, in particular, were much more difficult, as hard water leads to the formation of “soap scum” that is difficult to rinse away. We opted for…