high school

  • Teach Your Teen That Networking Is Actually Important

    Teach Your Teen That Networking Is Actually Important

    Growing up, I’m not sure I ever heard the term “networking.” When I finally heard it in college, it sounded to me like a trendy buzzword that only a business major would use. It made me think of briefcases and fat rolodexes—definitely not anything that would be relevant to me. I was a music performance…

  • How To Help Your Teen Get More Sleep 

    How To Help Your Teen Get More Sleep 

    When it comes to teens getting enough sleep, numerous forces are working against them. Early school start times are wreaking havoc on their circadian rhythms. An overload of after-school activities is turning bedtime into gotta-start-on-homework time. The buzz of texts from friends, the screens shining in their faces and the constant lure of just one…