The 7 Deadly Sins of Being a Co-Worker
Everyone hates the people they work with*: 90% of Americans report having an annoying co-worker, and nearly 60% of us have considered leaving, or have actually left, their jobs because of an annoying co-worker.
How to Safely Intervene in a Conflict
For those of us who are conflict-averse, situations involving harassment or discrimination may feel easier to avoid or ignore in hopes that the threat will go away or someone else will intervene. But whether it’s casual racism or micro-aggressions within your friend group, street harassment toward a stranger, or police brutality during a protest, there…
You Can Now Report Abusive Twitter Lists In iOS
Twitter’s List feature makes it easy to navigate through the platform’s noise, but it comes with one major annoyance—lists are packed with potential for abuse, especially when you find yourself a card-carrying member of others’ “People who suck on Twitter” lists.
How To Identify And Report Hate Speech On Social Media
Social media is great for connecting people, sharing news and information, and giving your grandmother the opportunity to air her political opinions unfettered. Unfortunately, its anonymity and widespread reach makes it an easy way for people to spread hate, and since Donald Trump’s election in 2016, social media users have noticed a worrisome increase in…