google home

  • Reminder: Google Still Has Some Cool Stuff Coming In 2019

    The year might already be half over, but Google is just warming up. Over the next few months, the tech behemoth will be embarking on a product blitzkrieg with scores of new gadgets, software tools and services appearing on the market. Here are 100 Google announcements to look forward to – from the all-new Google…

  • How To Create Mood Lighting With The Google Home App

    How To Create Mood Lighting With The Google Home App

    Google has slowly but surely been transforming the Google Home app into a centralised control hub. If you haven’t opened the app recently, you may not have noticed the bevy of new features and settings available. The most recent of these new features is the ability to change the colours of your smart home’s lightbulbs…

  • Our Five Favourite Smart Gadgets Of 2018

    Who wouldn’t want to be able to ask their vacuum cleaner politely to clean up flour after a baking disaster? Or be able to definitively state that it’s so much hotter inside than outside when deciding whether to turn on the air con or open the window? And music. Music everywhere. Here’s our guide to…