
  • How To Stop Being Late All The Time

    Being late once is understandable. Being frequently or even “occasionally” late is rude. It’s time to get back on schedule. We’ve compiled Lifehacker’s best advice on arriving on time, from over a decade of blog posts, and added some new advice. This is a dense list of practical methods to stop being late.

  • Take This Quiz To Learn How To Tip When You Travel

    Tipping is an unfamiliar concept to many people in Australia. Sure, you might round your restaurant bill to the nearest ten or slip your server a couple extra dollars every now and then, but it works very different in countries like the U.S., where tips make up a portion of service workers’ income. So when…

  • How To Livestream A Funeral

    If you died tomorrow, how many people would feel compelled to travel for your funeral, and how far would they have to come? It’s now fairly commonplace to leave your hometown and move across the country or abroad, at least for a while, and to find your loved ones scattered across thousands of kilometres.